Chronic Granulomatous Disease - Salmonella is a catalase positive gram negative rod that has been reported to cause bacteremia in CGD patients. Infections often occur with Salmonella species with low pathogenicity.
Interferon Gamma Pathway Defects
Interferon gamma pathway defects - Invasive Salmonella infections can be a key feature of patients (IFN-gamma receptor deficiency and IL-12 receptor deficiency). Intact IL-12 and IFN-gamma signaling is required to activate phagocytes to destroy intracellular pathogens such as Salmonella and Mycobacteria.
Tyk 2 deficiency - Tyk2 is a molecule involved in the IL-12 signaling pathway. As a result, Salmonella infections can be seen in Tyk 2 deficiency, a form of autosomal recessive Hyper IgE syndrome.
STAT1 Deficiency
STAT1 deficiency - Disseminated Salmonella infections have been described in patients with partial STAT 1 deficiency. STAT 1 is a key molecule involved in the IFN-gamma signaling pathway. Enteric infections with Salmonella have been reported in antibody deficiency syndromes (XLA and CVID). However, invasive infections are not typically seen in these immunodeficiencies.