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  Nocardia - Serratia Marcesens - Chromobacterium Violacium



Chronic Granulomatous Disease


Chronic Granulomatous Disease - Patients can present with invasive infections caused by the following catalase positive bacterial organisms: Nocardia is a gram negative rod that is found in soil. It most commonly causes pulmonary infection in CGD although disseminated disease can also occur. It is one of the most common organisms causing infections in CGD. Serratia marcescens is a gram negative rod that causes osteomyelitis in infants with CGD and abscesses and skin ulcers in older patients with CGD. It can also be a cause of bacteremia in patients. Serratia is also one of the most common organisms causing infections in CGD. Chromobacterium Violaceum is a gram negative rod that is found in brakish water (water that has more salinity than fresh water typically occurring where fresh water meets sea water in estuaries). It can be a cause of bacteremia in CGD patients.

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